Integration of Naturopathy with Traditional Medicine - HealthBuddha

The Integration of Naturopathy with Traditional Medicine

Health Buddha | September 11th, 2024

Exploring the Benefits of Integrative Healthcare

Integrated healthcare approaches uses an evidence-based approach and a combination of therapies to treat the whole person —mind, body and spirit. It ‘integrates’ conventional approaches and complementary therapies to achieve optimal health and healing.

Integrated healthcare approach focuses on the whole person and not only on the illness or disease. It seeks to understand the underlying cause of the symptoms or condition.

A person’s physical, mental, and emotional needs affect their health.  The techniques of Integrated healthcare approach support the body’s natural ability to heal. It helps reduce stress and promotes a state of relaxation that leads to better health. By engaging a person with their own healing, this approach can help the person feel empowered to make lifestyle changes and achieve optimal health.

Naturopathic medicine vs. Conventional Medicine: Bridging the Gap

Looking at naturopathic medicine vs conventional medicine, the two differ from each other in the approach and therapies used. Conventional medicine generally addresses and treats the symptoms of the disease. It uses pharmaceutical therapies or surgery. Naturopathic medicine, on the other hand, treats people as individuals and addresses the physical, environmental, lifestyle, attitudinal, and emotional aspects of health. This allows naturopaths to find and treat the cause of the disease using different kinds of therapies.

Bridging conventional and naturopathic medicine involves a collaborative approach where naturopathic practitioners work alongside conventional medical practitioners. Instead of a naturopathic medicine vs conventional medicine approach, the two are used in a combined manner. As a result of this synergy, a comprehensive treatment plan can be drawn up, which uses the best of both worlds. It would mean combining modern diagnostics and pharmaceuticals with natural therapies such as herbal medicine, nutrition, acupuncture and physical therapies.

Bridging the gap in this way improves patients’ health. It also reduces dependency on pharmaceutical drugs and promotes preventive healthcare.

Also Read: The Rise of Naturopathy: Empowering Women’s Health Naturally

How Alternative Medicine Complements Traditional Treatments

Alternative medicine is an approach used in place of traditional medical approaches.

Complementary medicine describes different types of treatments given along with traditional Western medicine. Complementary medicine ‘complements’ the traditional medical approaches such as pharmaceutical medications, immunotherapy, chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. Some examples of complementary medicine include massage, meditation, dietary supplements, tai chi, reiki, music therapy, and guided imagery.

It provides health benefits such as relieving pain, reducing anxiety and stress, improving mood, and improving flexibility and circulation

Holistic Medicine: A Path to Comprehensive Health Solutions

Holistic medicine is a form of healing that considers the whole person – body, mind, spirit, and emotions – to achieve optimal health and wellness. Holistic medicine believes the best possible health can be achieved by gaining proper balance in life.

Holistic medicine practitioners believe that a whole person is made up of different parts that depend on one another. If one part isn’t working properly, it affects all the other parts. If there are any physical, emotional, or spiritual imbalances in a person’s life, it can harm the overall health of the person.

A holistic medicine doctor may use different kinds of health care to treat a person, from conventional medication to alternative therapies.

These are some of the principles holistic medicine is based on:

  • The patient is a person, not a disease.
  • Healing is a teamwork involving the patient and the doctor.
  • Healing addresses all parts of a person’s life using different health care practices.
  • Treatment does not mean just easing the symptoms, but involves fixing the cause of the condition.

Combining Naturopathic Medicine and Conventional Medicine

Naturopathic medicine is a holistic approach to healthcare that uses the body’s natural healing power to prevent, diagnose, and treat diseases. It focuses on maintaining and optimising the body’s inherent ability to heal itself. It believes in treating the root cause of illness, treating the whole person, disease prevention, and promoting wellness. Naturopathic medicine includes a variety of natural therapies such as herbal medicine, dietary changes, acupuncture, and homeopathy, to support the body’s healing processes.

Conventional medicine, which is also known as allopathic or Western medicine, is the popular healthcare system that is commonly followed in most parts of the world. The focus is on diagnosing and treating diseases using evidence-based science and technology. It mainly uses pharmaceutical drugs, surgery, and other medical interventions to manage symptoms and treat acute and chronic conditions.

Combining naturopathy with conventional medicine allows for a holistic view of a patient’s health. By focusing on the whole person, healthcare practitioners can tailor treatment plans to meet each patient’s unique needs and circumstances. It provides a well-rounded approach to managing various health issues and also improves overall well-being. An integrated approach can offer patients a broader range of treatment options for different health problems. For example, a person experiencing chronic pain can combine conventional pain management techniques with naturopathic therapies like acupuncture and herbal remedies. This could provide longer-lasting relief with fewer side effects.

Naturopathic Medicine in Canada: A Growing Trend in Healthcare

Naturopathic medicine was introduced in North America in 1902 by Dr Benedict Lust. By the year 1920, naturopathic practice was well-established in Canada. In the last 20 years, there has been an increased interest in alternative medicine and the natural methods of preventive health care. This trend has increased the demand for naturopathic services and alternative medicine as people seek ways to improve their health, cope with day-to-day stresses and avoid illness.

In the scenario of naturopathy vs conventional medicine, today more people than ever are seeking and benefiting from naturopathic medicine in Canada. According to the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors, currently there are more than 2,400 naturopathic doctors practicing in every province and all but one territory in Canada.

Naturopathic medicine is meeting the health needs of an increasing number of Canadians. More emerging research supports the therapies used by naturopathic doctors. Access to more natural approaches to health care has also improved. It is believed that naturopathic medicine in Canada will soon make the transition from “alternative” medicine to “mainstream” medicine.

(Sources: my.clevelandclinic, GCRN, health.economictimes, webmd, scholistico, researchgate, Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors)