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An element of a healthy weight loss journey is having guidance from someone who knows the journey. We all need help sometimes, and one of the biggest things is having motivation and support, guidance, check-ins and accountability.

We need a smart and strategic approach while being realistic and practical. Healthy weight loss is health-oriented. We focus our conversation and efforts around that. It acknowledges an individual's needs: the person’s health profile, challenges and opportunities. Knowing that landscape is important.

It also has to be flexible and sustainable. The idea is to get the job done and move on and live an enjoyable life while not having to be on a diet anymore. Creating that sustainability involves a change in physiology and behaviour. We don’t want to do hard things on the body or put pills or supplements if we don’t need to. Instead, we focus on using our lifestyle and how we eat and move to make our body work best.

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Naturopathic Solutions For Weight Loss

Our naturopathic doctors prioritize tailored dietary intake to guarantee wellbeing, offering holistic direction and support throughout the weight loss journey. The goal is to center the focus on long-term lifestyle changes to achieve long-term results, rather than looking at short-term results. Naturopathic care considers different areas to the same degree as stress management, hormonal adjustment and calorie count to address the origin of the causes of weight issues. Goal setting is imperative as it allows efficient objectives to be set and reviewed based on progress.

Common Causes or Complaints of Weight Management

01Specific Diets: The idea of a zero-carb or keto diet is similar to when people would talk about avoiding fat as a nutrient. Initially, the body does lose weight. But then, if we want to go back to eating the normal way, which is the goal, we see a regain more than the amount that used to be there.
02Lack of Physical Activity: More physical activity increases the number of calories your body uses for energy. If we lived in a society where we were forced to walk 20 minutes to work every day and 20 minutes back, we wouldn’t have to do more physical activity. However, we’re a sitting culture with health impacts that must be acknowledged.
03Inflammatory Foods: The problem for many people is that certain foods are driving up inflammation and adding to their hunger signals. Their stomachs are inflamed, and their body feels like it needs to put food in there, but it’s not truly hunger. It’s just irritation in the stomach. Removing the most inflammatory foods sometimes helps—dairy, gluten, sugar.
04Stress/Behavioural Change: When we’re stressed, we may emotionally eat. We also may be too busy and skip meals which leads to binging. In our biochemistry, we have cortisol. Stress can change our biochemistry and how fat is distributed to our midsection.
05Thyroid: One of the primary hormones involved. If there are struggles with weight loss, the thyroid needs to be examined.
06Insulin: Another primary hormone involved. If the blood sugar regulation is hampered somehow, it’s like running up against a brick wall; one can only bash through it if it’s addressed specifically.
07Lack of Goal Setting: The objective is often in the patient’s mind, but once they get started, we revise the goals. Acknowledge it and then forget it. Don’t think about it, don’t dwell on it, keep it at the back of your mind. If we string together enough short-term goals and milestones, the long term goal is happily being reached.
07Progesterone: For women who are not ovulating, who are dealing with either PCOS or menopause, they’re not getting progesterone. This makes it harder for them to lose weight

Frequently Asked Questions

A crucial element of a healthy weight loss journey is having guidance from someone experienced in the process. Everyone needs support at times, and most importantly there needs to be motivation, guidance, check-ins, and accountability.

The goal is to achieve weight loss, maintain it, and live an enjoyable life without ongoing dieting. Creating that sustainability involves a change in physiology and behaviour.

Dieting alone has a high failure rate. Incorporating regular physical activity is crucial. Stress management is another vital factor, as stress affects biochemistry and behavior, potentially leading to emotional eating or unusual eating patterns.

Metabolism varies among individuals and can be changed. If you’re a person who has a slower metabolism, that needs to be acknowledged, and it needs to be changed.The goal is to speed it up. Through physical activity, we increase our metabolism and create larger muscle mass.

Certain individuals may be frustrated from trying to lose weight and think there’s a thyroid problem. Perhaps they’ve been to the doctor ran superficial testing for thyroid but didn’t find anything. However, the patient is still convinced that there’s a hormonal problem. They could be experiencing acne or hair loss, irregular menstrual cycles, heavy or crampy periods, extreme PMS, and PMDD symptoms. Here, we delve a little more deeply into your thyroid and hormones and do more extensive testing.

Diet and exercise are the two big movers. The problem for many people is that certain foods are driving up inflammation and adding to their hunger signals. Removing the most inflammatory foods sometimes helps—dairy, gluten, carbs, and sugar. There is a food sensitivity or food allergy test that can be done to see what foods exactly might be driving up inflammation.

Signs of inflammation include joint pain or muscle weakness, headaches, sinus problems, skin rashes, anything to do with digestion, bloating, gas, constipation and diarrhea.

Weight Management FAQs - HealthBuddha