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What makes acne particularly challenging is that so many factors can contribute to it. Genetics, for instance, can be a big factor. If there is a family history of acne, then the likelihood of developing acne is increased. We see this a lot in the severe cases of acne.

If there were a parent with severe acne, that would be more challenging to treat because of that genetic component. And then hormones. Especially going through puberty or pregnancy, a big change in hormones and an increase in androgens can lead to excessive sebum production. Sebum is this oily substance produced by the sebaceous glands on your skin. In excess, it clogs up pores and can lead to acne.

Naturopathic Acne Treatment FAQs - HealthBuddha

Enhancing Acne with Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathic medicine can play a big role in enhancing acne treatment, as it is a very powerful focus on holistic healing. It’s important to keep in mind that acne has many leading causes which are internal, such as stress, diet and hormones. Not only does naturopathic medicine mitigate symptoms, but it addresses the underlying factors of acne. Naturopathic doctors may suggest lifestyle changes such as dietary shifts, focusing on a low glycemic index diet and determining possible triggers such as chocolate. Stress reduction methods may be integrated to control stress-related breakouts. There may be certain topical treatments with natural ingredients recommended and known for their antibacterial properties. The combination of these natural therapies and lifestyle modifications ensures to promote overall well-being.

Common Causes or Complaints of Acne

01Genetics: If there is a family history of acne, the likelihood of developing acne is increased. This is commonly seen in the severe cases of acne.
02Hormonal changes: When going through puberty or pregnancy, a big change in hormones and an increase in androgens can lead to excessive sebum production. Sebum is an oily substance produced by the sebaceous glands on your skin. In excess, it clogs up pores and can lead to acne.
03Imbalances in skin flora: That is the bacteria on your body. Your skin has its own microbiome. When you start to see imbalances in that microflora, you’ll see certain types of bacteria that, when not controlled, or if the diversity of the skin microbiome isn’t balanced, that bacteria can be problematic and can lead to the aggravation of acne.
04Diet: High glycemic index foods, dairy products, and chocolate, worsens acne. Focus on a low glycemic index diet.
05Stress: High stress levels trigger hormonal changes, and therefore exacerbates acne. To help manage stress, practicing stress-reduction methods would be helpful.
06Environmental/Lifestyle factors: Dirty sheets and pillowcases need to be washed regularly. Dirty air caused by bacteria, allergens and viruses would be taken care of by having an air purifier in your room especially overnight to help combat these common irritants.
07Cosmetics: Ensure the use of non-comedogenic products and wash any makeup brushes regularly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Naturopathic medicine focuses on holistic healing. While it is a natural healing process, effective dietary changes and lifestyle factors can be recommended to reduce the causes from worsening breakouts.

What makes acne particularly challenging is that so many factors can contribute to it. Acne can be a result of a combination of factors such as genetics, hormonal changes, diet, stress, cosmetics, and environmental factors.

When going through puberty or pregnancy, a big change in hormones and an increase in androgens can lead to excessive sebum production. Sebum is this oily substance produced by the sebaceous glands on your skin. In excess, it clogs up pores and can lead to acne.

High glycemic index foods can worsen acne and cause breakouts. These include white bread, sugar, and processed foods that easily break down and rapidly spike blood sugar levels, worsen acne. Dairy and chocolate are also factors.

Several supplements have been shown in the research to reduce acne and inflammation. At the top of that list is zinc. Zinc reduces inflammation and the severity of acne, especially if there is a zinc deficiency. The other one that has been shown to be helpful is Omega-3 for its anti-inflammatory properties. Vitamin D is especially helpful if there is a deficiency. Most people in Canada especially need to supplement with vitamin D because we’re too far North to make enough. Lastly is lactoferrin. This is a new one that’s coming up. It is one of the proteins from whey. New research shows that it can be helpful when it comes to treating acne.

It’s essential to keep in mind results may vary considering individual health profiles. Although many individuals are happy with naturopathic approaches, consultation with a naturopathic doctor is recommended for specialized direction.

Given that each individual’s skin is different, the effectiveness of naturopathic treatments varies. It’s essential to be consistent with the naturopathic doctor’s recommendations whether they are dietary changes, supplement regimens, or lifestyle modifications. Individuals should consult with their healthcare provider for a timeline and expectations.

Topical treatments containing effective ingredients like salicylic acid can unclog pores and alleviate acne. However, diet, supplements, and overall lifestyle should still be maintained and taken into consideration as well.

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