Naturopathic Eczema Treatment – HealthBuddha

Managing Eczema with Naturopathic Medicine

Health Buddha | August 26th, 2024

Understanding Eczema: Causes and Symptoms

Eczema is a type of dermatitis, which causes skin inflammation. A common condition, it causes the skin to become dry, itchy and bumpy. It weakens the skin’s barrier function, which helps skin retain moisture and protects the body from outside elements. There are several types of eczema, such as atopic dermatitis and contact dermatitis. 

While eczema can affect anyone at any age, the symptoms usually appear during childhood and continue into adulthood. Those who have a family history or a diagnosis of dermatitis, allergies, hay fever, or asthma could be at a higher risk of having eczema.

The symptoms of eczema are dry skin; itchy skin; skin rash; bumps on the skin; thick, leathery patches of skin; flaky, scaly or crusty skin; and swelling.

An eczema rash can appear pink, red or purple on someone with a light skin tone, and purple, brown or gray in someone with a darker skin tone.

The symptoms of eczema can appear anywhere on the skin, commonly on the hands, neck, elbows, ankles, knees, feet, face (especially cheeks), in and around the ears, or lips. They can also appear on and around private parts. 

While eczema doesn’t usually cause pain, scratching the rash can cause the skin to break creating a sore, which could be painful. Some types of eczema also cause a burning sensation and discomfort.

Some factors that cause eczema include the immune system, genes, environment, and emotional triggers. Common triggers include dry weather (low humidity), fabrics or clothing material, makeup or skin care products, smoke and pollutants, soaps and detergents, stress or emotional well-being, and allergies. Some food items such as peanuts, dairy, and eggs can also trigger symptoms.

Naturopathic Approach to Eczema Relief

Hydrocortisone creams are a common medical option to treat eczema. However, they can come with side effects such as nausea, heartburn, dizziness, etc. 

On the other hand, naturopathy is a holistic treatment for eczema. It offers various natural skin care treatments and alternative therapies for eczema that can help reduce the severity and the symptoms of eczema. In treating eczema, naturopathic doctors look at the whole person and not just the symptoms. Personalised for each individual, the naturopathic approach seeks to find and treat the cause of the condition for long-term relief, to improve the quality of life for those with eczema. 

Based on the person’s needs, the naturopathic approach might recommend lifestyle changes ruling out certain foods that could be causing problems, and also recommending essential nutrients in the diet, supplements, topical treatments, and herbal remedies to help the body heal. The naturopathic holistic treatment for eczema also uses physical therapies like acupuncture and Bowen therapy. These treatments are known to detoxify the body and calm the nervous system.

Success Stories

Natural skin care treatments are not a magic remedy and one option will not work for all. Here’s a look at some naturopathic skincare treatments that have brought significant improvement in eczema symptoms after use:

Coconut oil – It is finding considerable success as a natural skin moisturiser.

Sunflower seed oil – Applied to damp skin twice a day, its anti-inflammatory properties have been shown to help symptoms, making it one of the natural remedies for eczema.  

Aloe vera gel or calendula cream – Applied topically on skin, they could help relieve dryness and itching. This helps improve the skin’s overall condition.  

Chinese herbs and acupuncture – Research is increasingly showing the effectiveness of these alternative therapies for eczema in naturopathic eczema treatment. WebMD has reported on the results of children with persistent eczema who were treated with traditional Chinese medicine at the Ming Qi Natural Health Centre in Manhattan between August 2006 and May 2008. The children drank Erka Shizheng herbal tea twice a day and soaked in a herbal bath for 20 minutes daily. They also applied a herbal cream to their skin two or three times a day and had acupuncture treatment. More than half of the participants who had severe symptoms on a standard scale that doctors use to gauge eczema severity were found to have mild symptoms after eight months of treatment.

Naturopathic Treatments for Eczema

Here’s a look at naturopathic skincare therapies and alternative therapies for eczema that are supported by scientific evidence to improve symptoms. Do consult your naturopath for advice on the following: 

Acupuncture – One of the popular natural remedies for eczema, acupuncture may help to reduce itch in people with eczema. Besides working on nerve pain and itch modulation, it helps decrease stress and improves the sense of well-being. It is considered a safe naturopathic eczema treatment.

Traditional Chinese herbs – This naturopathic eczema treatment can help rectify the underlying imbalances in the body that lead to eczema. Care must be given regarding possible side effects. 

Natural therapies – A popular moisturiser, coconut oil helps soothe symptoms of eczema and get rid of dryness. It may also have antibacterial properties. Topical application of sunflower seed oil is also known to reduce itchy skin, reduce rashes, eliminate blisters and improve the skin barrier function and immune system. In another eczema treatment, applying aloe vera to the skin is also believed to boost the antioxidants in the system.

Diets – Some foods seem to be inflammatory in some people. Hence, gluten-free and dairy-free diets may make a difference in some people. Avoiding processed foods is recommended. Eating natural, organic, and balanced foods is encouraged as part of the holistic treatment for eczema. Foods such as olive oil, apple cider vinegar, manuka honey, fatty acids and antioxidants are also considered as good diet additions and natural remedies for eczema. 

Probiotics – These could help soothe the irritated gut and skin of those with eczema. 

Vitamins – Several vitamins could help with eczema. These include vitamin D supplementation, and topical vitamin B12. 

Can Naturopathic Medicine Help You? Find a Naturopath Near You

If you are experiencing eczema symptoms, do not suffer in silence. Speak to your naturopath for eczema about natural skin care eczema treatment options and explore the many alternative therapies for eczema that are available. Find a naturopathic medicine practitioner who has experience with eczema, is reliable, and is willing to explore eczema treatment options to achieve success. 

At your initial consultation, your naturopathic doctor may recommend food/ environmental allergy or intolerance testing, and any other tests that would be helpful in diagnosis and eczema treatment.

An assessment will determine what is stopping your body’s ability to function naturally. Your naturopath for eczema will focus on finding the root cause of the problem and then treating it with naturopathic skincare treatments along with nutrition/ diet and lifestyle changes and/ or natural supplements, or acupressure. 
