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The thyroid gland is responsible for releasing hormones, specifically T-3 and T-4. It helps regulate metabolism and thermal regulation—keeping our body temperature balanced.

The thyroid also affects organs like the heart, GI tract and sex hormones. The endocrine system is a complex network of organs and glands, the thyroid gland being one of them. The responsibility of these organs and glands is to release hormones to help best balance the body, whether it’s growth, development or reproduction. Other examples of glands and organs would be the pancreas or the ovaries. In our brain, we have the pineal gland, hypothalamus, and the adrenal gland. These glands work synergistically together.

Naturopathic Medicine for Thyroid Support - HealthBuddha

Enhancing Thyroid Support with Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathic medicine plays a prominent role in thyroid health as it identifies the underlying causes of thyroid complications by utilizing holistic methods. Through the use of home-grown remedies and lifestyle modifications, it employs natural therapies to improve thyroid function and general well-being. Naturopaths focus on stabilizing hormones, mitigating inflammation and assisting the body’s healing process which contributes to a comprehensive approach to thyroid support.

Common Causes or Complaints of Abnormal Thyroid Function

01Nodules: Suppose there are any nodules, called goitre; it indicates something is wrong with the thyroid. We need to do a thyroid ultrasound.
02Stress: If a patient complains about being stressed, we look at the adrenal gland, which releases cortisol.
03Irregular Periods: If patients complain about their periods being off, we’ll check progesterone, estrogen, DHT and testosterone levels.
04Hypothyroidism: The underactive thyroid. Symptoms of the underactive thyroid include fatigue, depression, weight gain, feeling cold, hair loss, dry skin, low heart rate, and constipation.
05Hyperthyroidism: The overactive thyroid. Symptoms of the overactive thyroid include increased heart rate, diarrhea, anxiety, insomnia, weight loss, feeling hungry, fatigue, and mood swings.

Frequently Asked Questions

The thyroid gland is this little bowtie structure that sits in our throats.

The thyroid gland is responsible for releasing hormones, specifically T-3 and T-4. It helps regulate metabolism and thermal regulation—keeping our body temperature balanced.

The thyroid affects organs like the heart, GI tract and sex hormones.

The endocrine system is a complex network of organs and glands, the thyroid gland being one of them. The responsibility of these organs and glands is to release hormones to help best balance the body, whether it’s growth, development or reproduction. Other examples of glands and organs would be the pancreas or the ovaries. In our brain, we have the pineal gland, hypothalamus, and the adrenal gland.

Signs and symptoms that a lot of my female patients come in for are things like fatigue, depression, weight gain, cold all the time, hair loss, dry skin, lower heart rate, constipation – because everything is slowing down with an underactive thyroid. For an overactive thyroid, signs and symptoms would be increased heart rates, diarrhea, anxiety, insomnia, weight loss, feeling hungry all the time, mood swings, and fatigue.

A thyroid panel is what we like to use. So main ones are the TSH, or thyroid stimulating hormone, the T3, T4, and the antibody tests. The antibody tests are to check autoimmune thyroid conditions.

Diet. Brazil nuts have about 50 micrograms of selenium. Typically, we’d need to consume about 200 micrograms per day of selenium. Oysters, mussels and clams have the highest amount of zinc. A thyroid complex supplement usually contains selenium, zinc, iodine, and tyrosine. If we’re dealing with an overactive thyroid, we use a herb called bugleweed and lemon balm or valerian. As naturopathic doctors, we can prescribe desiccated thyroid, a natural form. It is a combination of T3 and T4. To manage stress, we may do things for adrenal support, like acupuncture and IV therapy.

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